My Story

My photo
Crosby, Merseyside, United Kingdom
I am a freelance textile artist/ designer, with a preference for surface pattern design. This blog is a way to show some of the work that I do, things that inspire me and my current projects.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Room settings - Bringing the outside inside

These are some room settings of some of the designs in my previous posts even some new designs not yet shown,  the room settings help convey the functionality of the prints.

When designing these prints I knew that I wanted them to be a tool of escapism, I'm 22 and still live with my mum and dad my room is the only place were I have complete creative control. The wall facing my bed is covered with Parisian buildings, I sometimes like to pretend I'm in that  film 'my girlfriends boyfriend' so when designing these prints i wanted to emulate that feeling, make wallpaper that could capture your imagination. 


  1. Excellent post! I just stumbled upon your blog page and gathered some good ideas for what I am working on. Thanks!
    Tapestry Wall Hanging

  2. Thank you very much I really appreciate your comment :) I became really interested in the philosophy behind print when I started that particular project. Best of luck with your current work

